Your shower area is the centerpiece of your bathroom, and the right shower door is the key to getting the look you want. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the perfect shower door, along with some tips to follow for ordering and getting your new shower door installed.
Shower ShapeChoose Your Opening Type
Basco shower doors can fit in just about any bathroom space. Our most popular configurations include:

Inline Doors: These doors fit in a shower that has a single straight opening and include bypass doors (meaning sliding doors), single swing doors, and any door and panel configuration without angled panels.
Return Doors: The panel doesn’t line up to the door, but instead sits at a 90-degree angle. You can choose from a swing door or bypass door with a return panel.
Corner “Neo” Doors: With this option, your shower door is located in the center of two panels, both of which are angled at 135 degrees.
WANT A DIFFERENT SHAPE?:Create a custom shower door to get the exact look you want.
Getting into your showerDecide How You'd Like to Enter
Enjoy the solitude of your shower every day by choosing a door that not only fits your space, but also fits how you use the shower.

Swing Doors: Much like any door in your house, these doors swing out into the bathroom to allow entry into your shower.
Sliding Doors: A stylish and space-saving option, sliding doors move along a single line. Some sliding enclosures feature bypass doors, where both sides slide, while others feature a sliding panel coupled with one that is fixed.
Rolling Doors: Much like sliding doors, rolling doors travel along a single plane. However, advanced ball bearings ensure a premium glide along the track on a fixed panel.
Panel Enclosures: For fans of simplicity, panel-style enclosures offer the purest form of entry. Assuming a strategically positioned shower head, and featuring no moving parts, panel enclosures keep the water in, while allowing for total freedom when entering.
Glass finishesChoose Your Glass
Your shower glass can achieve any number of looks in your bathroom with any degree of privacy.
Metal FramingSelect Your Frame Type
The right door frame helps showcase your shower space, particularly any high design tile work. Explore your three options.

Framed: A framed enclosure includes framing around both the door opening and each panel. It’s the perfect way to complement the finishing on other fixtures in your bathroom.
Semi-framed: A semi-frameless enclosure has framing on each side of the larger piece, but not around the actual door or panel. It’s ideal if you want to incorporate your finishing without obstructing the view into your shower.
Frameless: These doors have minimal framing in order to provide the clearest view into your shower. It’s the best way to highlight tile, rain showerheads, and other high-end features.
Metal FinishChoose Your Finish
Our finish options are designed to complement today’s most popular faucet and bath hardware. Choose from a diverse palette of options to match the latest trends and your style preference.
Getting your shower doorFind a Dealer in Your Area
Visit a dealer at the beginning of your bathroom design process so you can get the complete look and design that fits your space best. Avoid limiting your options by considering these choices early in the planning process.

Here are some questions you can expect the dealer to ask you. Think about these ahead of time to get the most out of your preliminary visit.
- What are the measurements for your shower space?
- What is your project timeline? If you’re installing new wall materials such as tile, know when this should be finished in order to get an exact measurement.
- What kind of style do you want in your completed bathroom? What kind of finishes are on your sink faucets and other fixtures?
- How would you like your shower door to function? Here’s where you can go into detail about how you’d like the door to operate, what obstructions may be in the space, and any designer accessories you may want to include.
- How will the door be installed? Heavy glass and frameless doors need expert installation. Your dealer can help connect you with expert contractors in your area.
Search where you can find Basco in your area now.
InstallInstallation of Your Door
Once you’ve ordered your Basco shower door for your unique needs, your project is nearing completion and your shower dreams are close to reality. Here are a few tips to prepare for the installation of your shower door.
Standard Adjustable Units
If the product you’ve chosen is a standard product (adjustable to fit standard opening sizes), some of these products may be considered a do-it-yourself project. While we always recommend a professional installation, those buyers with moderate level handyman skills may consider DIY. We also do not recommend any door be installed without a helper to assist.
It’s certainly possible for a seasoned DIYer to install a framed door, but if you’ve chosen a semi-frameless or frameless door, or any type of door with a heavier weight of glass, you’ll definitely want to bring in a professional.
Please review available installation guides and videos to determine your comfort level with installation.
Custom or Heavy Glass Units
Any custom designed Basco door or heavy glass unit should be installed by a professional, experienced installer. It is an intricate process that requires intricate knowledge of the product line to avoid breakage or leakage.
We recommend consulting your local Basco dealer or showroom for installation services. They are familiar with professionals in your area and the product you’ve selected. Visit our dealer locator to locate showrooms in your area.